Ver Angola


Casais opens more than 100 vacancies for the Angolan market

More than a hundred vacancies were opened by Casais Angola to reinforce the teams in Angola.


According to Construir, a Portuguese site specializing in construction, the company opened a total of 103 vacancies for the Angolan market.

According to a publication on the company's website, the vacancies are for construction manager, surveyor, site manager (civil construction), site manager (infrastructures) and site manager.

This opening takes place within the scope of the 'Water Sector Project', which, according to the company, aims to "increase the capacity to supply drinking water to the Greater Luanda area".

In the publication, Casais states that it "leads the consortium for the construction of a pipeline for treated water with 112 kilometers and two Distribution Centers for drinking water".

The CEO of the Casais Group, António Carlos Rodrigues, quoted by the Construir website, referred that the group's contribution to the "development of a region is an extra motivation" for the company's purpose: "The Casais Group's contribution to the development of a region is an extra motivation for our purpose, which has the advantage of increasing the level of demand in the quality of the provision of our services", said the CEO, quoted by Construir.

Present in Angola since 1999, Grupo Casais has 2948 employees in that country.

Those interested in applying can do so here.

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