Ver Angola


Covid-19: Angola with 13 new cases and no deaths in the last 24 hours

Angola recorded, in the last 24 hours, 13 new cases, no deaths and 33 recoveries, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the National Directorate of Public Health, released this Sunday.


The new cases were reported in the provinces of Luanda (7), Bié (3), Zaire (2) and Cuando Cubango (1), in patients aged between three and 72 years, nine males and four females.

In the last 24 hours, according to the bulletin, no deaths were recorded.

Also in the same period, according to the bulletin, there were 33 recoveries, of which 13 in Namibe, 12 in Luanda, four in Moxico and four in Zaire.

The labs processed 938 samples by RT-PCR with a daily positivity rate of 1.4 percent.

With the most recent data, the country has a total of 98,364 cases, of which 572 are active, 1,896 have died and 95,896 have recovered.


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