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Raw Materials

Pandemic does not affect ornamental stones sector. Production grows and exports are stronger

The arrival of the first cases of covid-19 caused a setback in the production of ornamental rocks in the provinces of Huila and Namibe. However, the sector managed to recover four months after the first state of emergency was approved. Since then, exports have increased and revenues have exceeded those recorded in previous years.


The revenues acquired by the Integrated Economic Development Office in the two provinces increased in 2020 compared to the previous year: last year, the office collected 497 million 537 thousand and 037 kwanzas, while in 2019, the balance was 167 million 707 thousand and 243 kwanzas.

This increase can be justified with the continuity of the works. According to Angop, what allowed the provinces to continue operating, even in the midst of a pandemic, was the fact that there was a low risk of contagion in the areas of extraction and transport of the rocks.

Production of ornamental rocks in Huila

Manuel Machado Quilende, director of the integrated economic office in Huíla, revealed to Angop that the new coronavirus caused some constraints in the sector.

Among the biggest difficulties, pointed out by the responsible, is the purchase of spare parts, which worsened with the closing of borders and the difficulty in accessing foreign currency. However, despite these impediments, production has never been suspended, he said.

The collection of granite export guides and the tax declaration and credential for the transport of the rocks allowed to increase revenues.

In 2019, production was 32,189.76 cubic meters, having risen significantly in 2020 (93,174.75 cubic meters) and expectations for this year are also encouraging. According to Angop, it is expected that in 2021 more than 107,000 cubic meters will be produced.

The province, which produces mainly black/maroon and black granite, has also managed to assert itself in the export business. South Korea, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, China, and Taiwan are among the main buyers of Huila's stone (sold in 40-ton blocks).

However, the domestic market has also been buying part of the production. Lubango, Benguela, Luanda, Huambo, Cuando Cubango and Moxico are the main consumers.

Reality of production in Namibe

The numbers in Namibe are also quite positive: the export guides and receipt of taxes on the value of resources, led the province to amass 48 million 243 thousand and 764 kwanzas in 2020, compared to 41 million 754 thousand and 500 kwanzas in 2019.

Dulce Muquevela, director of the integrated economic office in Namibe, cited by Angop, explained that the covid-19 led some companies in the sector to stop work, but also forced others to rethink their strategy and adapt their businesses.

"Even with the pandemic, we managed to have a positive balance in relation to the period of 2019, not on a large scale, but a value on the order of seven million difference, all in function of the dynamics implemented by some companies," stressed the responsible.

She also made it known that the municipalities of Bibala, Tômbwa, Virei, Kamucuio and Moçâmedes stand out in terms of production, with marble and pink granite at the center of the activities.

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