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South Africa builds monument in Luanda

South Africa will build a monument in Viana, Luanda, in memory of South African fighters who died on Angolan territory during the struggle against the Apartheid regime. The revelation was made by Oupa Ephraim Monareng, South African ambassador to Angola, at the end of a courtesy meeting with MPLA vice-president Luísa Damião.

: Oupa Ephraim Monareng, embaixador sul-africano em Angola em reunião com a vice-presidente do MPLA, Luísa Damião
Oupa Ephraim Monareng, embaixador sul-africano em Angola em reunião com a vice-presidente do MPLA, Luísa Damião  

The place chosen to install the memorial was the transit base of the African National Congress (ANC) in Angola, which "has hosted more than 30 thousand men for several years," can be read in a publication made on Facebook of MPLA.

The monument will honor the fighters who fought against the Apartheid regime, made official in 1948 in South Africa, when the New National Party came to power.

At the time, the white minority had the political and economic power of the country, while the black majority was forbidden to buy land in most of South Africa, confining them geographically.

It was during the struggle against this regime that many South African ANC soldiers were in reception centers in Angola. During that time, several South African soldiers were killed by the Apartheid regime on Angolan territory, thus leading that country to erect a memorial in Luanda.

The official indicated, quoted by Angop, that the details of the progress of the project are being discussed with the Angolan authorities.

At the meeting, according to the ambassador, the cooperation relations between the parties in power in the two countries were also analyzed.

He also made it known that there is a possibility that Cyril Ramaphosa, president of South Africa, will travel to Angola later this year, for an official visit. However, the scheduling of a date as well as other details are dependent on diplomatic arrangements, he added.

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