The letter, dated January 13, was read this Tuesday at a press conference by its lawyers, who accused the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) of having lied to the Constitutional Court, inducing it to a ruling declaring the nullity of José Katchiungo's lawsuit against the party founded by Jonas Savimbi.
At issue is the ruling of the plenary session of the Constitutional Court, which recently dismissed the request to challenge three resolutions submitted by the former UNITA deputy to the National Assembly because the rights invoked by the applicant had been reinstated by his party.
According to Eugénia Texa, José Katchiungo's lawyer, UNITA, under the right to adversarial proceedings, presented unsuccessful evidence, arguing that its constituent's rights had been restored, "when that is not true".
Eugénia Texa said that UNITA's lawyers presented the court with a resolution as proof that the problems between the party and this militant had been resolved, "when, on top of this resolution, a new disciplinary process was initiated against him for appearing at the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic".
"Our constituent has no interest in clashing with your party, because talking about UNITA is talking about the life of José Pedro Katchiungo, for this reason on January 13, 2025 he addressed a letter to the president of UNITA, Adalberto Costa Júnior", referred.
When asked whether there will be an appeal against the Constitutional Court ruling, she said that it depends on how the parties resolve the matter.
"There is indeed the possibility of arguing the nullity of the judgment due to failure to pronounce, due to the fact that UNITA's lawyers misled the court (...), that is, Pedro Katchiungo's objective when he filed the appeal was to argue the nullity of the resolutions that the party raised against itself", he stressed.
José Pedro Katchiungo, who ran for party leadership in 2019, called for the nullity of three UNITA decisions, namely his preventive suspension from the Political Commission in November 2021, the termination of membership and a disciplinary process on alleged events that occurred in 2022 including "links to expelled individuals who are hostile to the party" and "participation in the inauguration of the President of the Republic.
In the letter, the UNITA activist requested an audience with Adalberto Costa Júnior, to share some ideas with him, which could "lead the party to victory".
"In the current political-partisan context in which misery and hopelessness suffocate the common citizen, while political and civil society elites seem driven by economic interests, positions in the State apparatus and personal egos, it is imperative to redirect the dialogue so that we can manage together. the threats that tend to undermine the cause of UNITA's secular struggle and the unity of the broad masses of excluded people (...) around UNITA", wrote José Katchiungo.
José Katchiungo emphasizes in his message that UNITA is a political project that was born and grew under the sign of unity, being a space for debate, criticism and self-criticism and "where difference of opinion is not a contradiction".