Ver Angola


Angola has recorded 22 deaths and 383 cases of cholera since the beginning of the year

Cholera cases in Angola have risen to 383 since the first case on January 7, with a total of 22 deaths, according to the latest information bulletin from the Ministry of Health released on Thursday.


The previous report indicated 332 cases and 20 deaths.

Between 6pm on Tuesday and 6pm on Wednesday, 51 cases of cholera were reported, 15 of which were in the municipality of Cacuaco, the epicentre of this outbreak that affects the provinces of Luanda, Bengo and Icolo e Bengo. Of the reported cases, 10 were laboratory confirmed.

With a cumulative total of 383 cases, aged between 2 and 73 years, since the outbreak was confirmed, there have been 22 deaths, of which 17 were in Cacuaco, and 27 people are hospitalized.

Cases refer to patients with severe or serious dehydration or death due to acute watery diarrhea and patients over two years of age in places where cholera exists, and are considered confirmed when the cholera vibrio is isolated in the feces.

Cholera is a serious and contagious disease associated with contaminated water and food, poor sanitation and poor hygiene conditions.


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