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Oil spill in Cabinda worries environmentalists

An oil spill in the commune of Malembo, Cabinda province, is worrying environmentalists and local organizations that demand immediate action to mitigate the impacts on the environment.

: Facebook Marcelino Chimpolo Lino Marcelino
Facebook Marcelino Chimpolo Lino Marcelino  

The National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency released a statement on Wednesday reporting reports that indicate "the emergence of an oily substance in the Malembo basin", and has set up a task force to determine the causes of the incident.

Minuto Verde-Quercus Angola expressed this Thursday its "deep concern" about the spill, which it considered "a serious threat" to the environment and local communities, calling on the Angolan authorities and companies involved in the oil sector to take take quick measures to mitigate the damage caused.

The Cabinda Activists' Group also reported the situation to its international environmental protection partners, asking for help "for all those involved".

Gervásio Zau, a member of parliament for the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), also reported the incident on social media, warning of "the misfortune of Cabinda", lamenting the lack of intervention by local authorities. "Enough of the exploitation", he added.

The North American multinational Chevron, present in that province for 70 years, through its subsidiary Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Limited, explores resources in two concessions: Block 0, off the coast of Cabinda province, and Block 14 in deep waters.

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