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Minister of the Interior committed to improving working conditions for criminal agents

Manuel Homem was present this Monday at the Instituto Superior e Ciências Policias e Criminalis in Luanda, where he spoke about the prospects for 2025 in the sector he heads, asking for attention from criminal agents, who he says often work without adequate conditions.


The Minister of the Interior stated that for this year, the desire is for a penitentiary service "that offers increasingly more humanized conditions, with concrete policies for better re-education and resocialization of prisoners", giving special attention to agents who work in the penal interior.

He also stated that coordination with other bodies involved in the administration must be strengthened in order to combat overcrowding in penitentiary establishments.

Another of the new portfolio holder's efforts is to strengthen the response capacity of the Civil Protection and Fire Service, which should increase its capacity, in order to guarantee prompt intervention whenever necessary.

Regarding the fight against crime and delinquency, he stressed that the sector will continue to combat the vandalization of public assets and the illicit trafficking of strategic minerals, two of the sector's main concerns.

Manuel Homem also said that the National Police must continue to adopt the strategy of preventing and correcting illicit behavior, especially with regard to combating active and passive corruption.

This "special moment", as the ministry describes it, served to symbolize "renewal and unity", with the minister giving honorable mentions to the members of the Operation N24 Command Post, "for the bravery and commitment of the troops during the securing of the court festive."

The event was attended by commissioned officers, senior and junior officers, agents and civilian workers.


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