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Former students join forces and rehabilitate Kima-Kieza primary school

It was with their own funding that a group of former students from Primary School No. 3015 - also known as Kima-Kieza - were the target of an intervention carried out by the construction company Sinohidro, which rehabilitated and equipped the facilities, attended by more than 1,300 students. . Dionísio da Fonseca, current Minister of Territorial Administration and former student of the institution, was one of the main drivers of the project.


Existing for more than 20 years, with 14 classrooms and capacity to accommodate 1360 students, from the first year to the 9th grade, the school known as Kima-Kieza is located in the 11 de Novembro neighborhood in the urban district with the same nome, in Cazenga, in Luanda.

It is known that the minister recently visited the school and was not satisfied with the state of the equipment. Therefore, he invited other former students to join the initiative to rehabilitate his old educational establishment. In addition to Dionísio da Fonseca, former students and Hercolano engineers Oscar Eduardo and Panda Eduardo, architect Gelson Heitor, teacher Mariana Manuel and journalist Gabriel Veloso also contributed to the rehabilitation of the primary school.

The equipment delivery ceremony took place this Wednesday, with the presence of Dionísio da Fonseca, who showed his satisfaction with the completion of the work, having also participated in the planting of trees, within the scope of the Luanda Afforestation Program (PAL ), refers to the municipal administration of Cazenga.
Those in charge of education were grateful for the initiative, committing themselves to the good conservation of the building and facilities.

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