Ver Angola


Student Movement says that Angola does not comply with international education protocols

The Angolan Student Movement (MEA) lamented that Angola does not comply with international education protocols and leaves between seven and eight million children a year without access to education.


In a statement released on International Education Day, the MEA marks the date "with enormous sadness and dissatisfaction", highlighting that, "unfortunately, Angola fails to comply with international protocols on education, leaving behind, every year, more than seven eight million children and young people without access to education".

And he "energetically condemned the irresponsibility of the Angolan State in the area of education", pointing out 19 thousand classrooms under trees, schools where there is a lack of chalk, no water, no boards.

"We cannot accept that in the 21st century, the country continues to produce illiterates, children and teenagers aged 14/15 who have never sat in a classroom, do not know how to read or write, we cannot take this lightly", he stressed. the MEA.

The Student Movement also lamented "the conniving silence of UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization] which should be the guardian of students in the face of the lack of almost everything in public schools", but which does not do " absolutely nothing, to pressure your partner to change their behavior."


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