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Rui Mingas: President mourns the death of a “personality of great prestige”

The President expressed his regret at the death, this Thursday in Lisbon, of Rui Mingas, a “personality of great prestige”, who represented Angola several times “with talent, competence and dignity”.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

In a note addressed to his family, João Lourenço stressed that Rui Mingas began by raising Angola's name in professional athletics in Portugal and, from an early age, established himself as a composer and singer, as a symbol of resistance against colonial power.

"Several classics of Angolan music belong to him, including the music of the National Anthem", highlighted the head of state in his message.

João Lourenço also highlighted the positions of political responsibility held by Rui Mingas in independent Angola, both internally and externally, having been deputy to the National Assembly, Secretary of State for Physical Education and Sports, ambassador and rector of a private university.

According to the President, his death impoverishes the country and mourns his family and a vast legion of friends and co-workers.

"To everyone, in particular his widow and children, we express our condolences and our feelings of regret," he concluded.

Rui Mingas, aged 84, who died this Thursday in Lisbon following a prolonged illness, was Angola's ambassador to Portugal in the 1990s, having been decorated, on 26 July 1995, with the Order of Infante D. Henrique , which distinguishes those who have provided relevant services to Portugal, as well as services in the expansion of Portuguese culture or knowledge of Portugal, its History and its values.

Co-author with Manuel Rui Monteiro of "Angola Avante", the anthem of Angola, Rui Mingas, born in Luanda, was also an athlete in the 1950s and 1960s, having competed in the high jump and the 110 meter hurdles, winning a national record in Portugal, in 1960.


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