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Jerson Emiliano is the only Angolan to take part in the 6th edition of the African Nations Championship arbitration

The African Football Confederation (CAF) has already chosen the refereeing team for the 6th edition of the African Nations Championship. Among the list of choices is the name of Jerson Emiliano dos Santos, the only Angolan to be part of the refereeing team of the competition.


The Angolan referee will be part of the VAR (Video Assistant Referee) group of the competition.

According to Jornal de Angola, the refereeing team will be composed of 19 referees, 20 assistants and eight video assistants.

In the chosen list there are also four female names. The referees Lydia Tafesse Abebe from Ethiopia, Bernadetta Kwimbira from Malawi, Mimisen Lyorhe from Nigeria and Carine Atezambong Fomo from Cameroon were chosen by CAF, which intends to include referees in men's competitions.

Jerson Emiliano dos Santos has already refereed in Chile in 2015 for the U-17 World Cup and Japan in 2016 for the Club World Cup. He has also been part of the refereeing teams of three Senior African Cups of Nations and the African U-17 Championships in 2013, U-20 and U-23, both in 2015.

He also refereed the Youth Olympic Games (2014), China.

He was also the only Portuguese-speaking member of the 44 auxiliary judges elected by FIFA in the 21st edition of the U-20 World Cup (held in South Korea).

The competition takes place in Cameroon between 16 January and 7 February 2021.

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