Ver Angola


Three NOS directors resign their positions at the operator

The three non-executive directors of NOS connected to the businesswoman Isabel dos Santos, among which the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Jorge de Brito Pereira, presented this Thursday resignation to the positions, disclosed the telecommunications operator.

: Bruno Barata
Bruno Barata  

In a press release sent to the Securities Market Commission (CMVM), NOS states that "Jorge de Brito Pereira, Mário Filipe Moreira Leite da Silva and Paula Cristina Neves Oliveira presented today, [Thursday] to the Supervisory Board, their resignations from the positions of non-executive members of the Board of Directors" of the operator.

The resignation comes four days after a consortium of journalists disclosed the process called 'Luanda Leaks', which reveals alleged financial schemes of businesswoman Isabel dos Santos, daughter of the former head of state of Angola.

The three non-executive directors were serving the 2019/2021 term of office.

Jorge de Brito Pereira is a partner at Uria Menendez - Proença de Carvalho and Isabel dos Santos' lawyer.

Mário Leite da Silva, who is Isabel dos Santos' manager and considered her 'right arm', and Paula Oliveira, a friend of the businesswoman, were set up as defendants in the 'Luanda Leaks' case, together with the businesswoman and daughter of the former President.

On Monday, Sonae announced that it was "following" with "attention and concern" the 'Luanda Leaks' case, which details alleged financial schemes of Isabel dos Santos, namely due to allusions that were made to non-executive directors of NOS.

A consortium of investigative journalism revealed over 715,000 files on Sunday under the name 'Luanda Leaks' after analysing over several months 356 gigabytes of data on Isabel dos Santos' business between 1980 and 2018, which help to rebuild the path that led former President dos Santos' daughter to become Africa's richest woman.


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