Ver Angola


Consultant says JES children are "scapegoats" to mask corruption

Consultant EXX Africa considered brothers José Filomeno and Isabel dos Santos to be the "scapegoats" of a government campaign to persuade international investors to bet on Angola, although corruption remains widespread.


"The trial has all the contours of a 'fake trial' that is politically motivated to meet investors' demands for concrete steps against corruption, and the only apparent aim is to accuse and arrest the former president's son as a scapegoat for corruption of the past", wrote the consultant's director, Robert Besseling, in a report sent to clients, which Lusa had access to.

The report, entitled "Leaders of Angola's shadow state endanger privatization agenda", argues that "the government is trying to make the former president's supporters scapegoats for the poor economic performance, saying there are acts sabotage that are at the heart of frequent fuel shortages".

In the document, the analyst writes that this thesis "is beginning to split the traditionally united Angola People's Liberation Movement (MPLA), which has guaranteed political stability in the country since the end of the civil war".

"There are well-informed sources who admit that there may be a permanent split in the party if there are no improvements in the economy and if the perceived 'face judgments' of former President's family members do not stop", he adds.

The trial, the report also reads, “should not inspire much confidence in President Joao Lourenco's campaign against corruption and is more likely to be overlooked by many Angolans as a 'facade judgment' for the purpose of reaching and finding a scapegoat of the former government for current socio-economic problems”.

"But perhaps more importantly, the trial of Zenu [dos Santos] distracts attention from a set of scandals involving the current government and elements close to President Lourenço", he points out.

For EXX Africa, the court order arresting Isabel dos Santos' assets in Angola "is vague about which assets are immobilized and there is speculation as to the date of disclosure, which appears to have been specifically chosen for greater media attention".

In addition, the analyst points out, "there are local sources who say that Isabel [dos Santos] is being targeted by the government to deliver certain assets in banking and telecommunications on the eve of privatization, to please foreign investors, but without following procedural steps".

In addition to the issue of court accusations against Isabel dos Santos and José Filomeno dos Santos, sons of former President José Eduardo dos Santos, EXX Africa also highlights the role of former Vice President Manuel Vicente, who is now special adviser to João Lourenço for oil and gas matters.

"His role as presidential advisor gives him unparalleled political influence without any accountability as his family and associates prepare to benefit from the sale of lucrative Angolan assets in the coming years", it said.

The consultant's report details the links between Manuel Vicente and his supporters, and accuses him of leading an influential network of influence peddling, both with the current President and with the former head of state.

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