Ver Angola


Angola is in a explosive social situation and demonstrations are banned, considered Alves da Rocha

Economist Manuel Alves da Rocha said Wednesday that Angola is experiencing an "explosive social situation" as a result of the economic crisis and said that demonstrations on this situation "have not been allowed" by the authorities.

DW/C. Luemba:

"Angola is experiencing a situation of permanent crisis, it has been in recession since 2015 and from there until now it has been recession over recession, which has led to an explosive social situation," said the president of the Centre for Scientific Studies and Research of the Catholic University of Luanda during the presentation of the book 'Angola, what future', in co-authorship with Manuel Ennes Ferreira.

"The situation has not exploded just because there are still many ties and difficulties for people to demonstrate," he said, explaining that "writing reflections [in newspapers and books] is not a problem, but regarding the possibility of civil society to demonstrate against the present social situation in Angola, where the unemployment rate is at 30.4 percent and youth unemployment is at 56 percent, demonstrations have not been allowed to occur for people to say in a lively voice that they are unhappy with this situation.

The book, which brings together chronicles published in Lisbon, in Semanário Económico and Expresso, and in Luanda at Expansão, was presented on Wednesday afternoon in Lisbon, and has the presidency of João Lourenço and transparency and combating corruption as a central theme.

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