Ver Angola


BNA and Ministry of Education will bring financial literacy to schools

The Governor of the National Bank of Angola, Manuel Tiago Dias, and the Minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, signed a cooperation protocol in the field of promoting education and financial inclusion.


After signing the protocol, which took place in Luanda, the minister announced that the agreement will contribute to the inclusion of financial literacy content in the curricula of primary and secondary education at the level of the different subsystems of education and non-higher education, starting from the next academic year.

In turn, the Governor of the National Bank of Angola, Manuel Tiago Dias, stressed that the expectation under the partnership with the Ministry of Education (MED) is to ensure that children acquire basic knowledge about the responsible management of financial resources, family budget, among other subjects, given the joint work that the BNA and the MED have been developing since 2015.

The solemn ceremony of signing the Cooperation Protocol was witnessed by the Secretary of State for Secondary Education, Soraya Kalongela, the Executive Director of the BNA, Marília Poças, and members of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Education and the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Angola and the Ministry of Education.

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