Totally free and in Portuguese, this program is open to anyone: "HP Life is one of the biggest tools that HP in Angola wants to deliver to society. We are talking about a completely free program, a program in Portuguese, a program that basically, it will empower anyone, from a student to someone who wants to start a business", explained Manuel Pinheiro, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).
The director explained that the platform will enable people to be trained, as well as granting them certification in different areas, as courses will be available in different areas.
"We are talking about a platform of online courses in Portuguese that will train people who take these courses and above all an HP Foundation certification for various verticals, we are talking about courses in the marketing area, in the communication area, in the area of sales", he indicated.
Manuel Pinheiro also clarified that access to these courses is easy, all you need is an Internet connection. Furthermore, trainees will not need to complete the entire course at once: "There are several free courses that anyone can access via a phone, a PC, an Internet connection (...). These are courses that do not need to be completed immediately, that is, we can do 10/15 minutes of a course and then continue doing the same courses later."
"We are talking about a tool that will bring technological value, technical value and above all free training in Portuguese to the Angolan market", he added.
According to RNA, the company is committed to launching the platform on the Angolan market next year, which will have 34 free courses.
Manuel Pinheiro also spoke about the certification process for Angolans. "What we are doing during the 2025 fiscal year is to understand with the Angolan State and with the specific infrastructures in that chapter how we could, since we give a certification (...), how can Angola and how could the Angolan State and the institutions that certify these trainings, how could they somehow also certify, in this case, the Angolan trainees when they finished an HP Life course", he pointed out, quoted by RNA.