According to the minister, in the period under analysis (2024), Angola reached a historic milestone in the diamond industry by exceeding, for the first time, the barrier of the 10 million carats produced.
According to the ruler, this milestone represents a degree of execution of more than 82 percent compared to the target defined for this year, contained in PDN 2023-2027, and it was only possible to achieve with the legal and tax reforms that took place in the sector, They contributed to the improvement of the business environment and gave greater transparency and competitiveness.
"This has allowed, in recent years, the attraction of investments to the country and the return and entry of new companies in the national market," said the minister, in a statement to which Verangola had access.
Diamantino Azevedo also advanced that with regard to the increase in diamond cutting, another manufacturing unit was inaugurated at the Saurimo diamond development hub in January this year. “We begin to see some trees flourish and harvest some fruits from the seeds launched from 2017, during the first term of the President of the Republic, João Lourenço,” he said.
During the year 2024, national and dealerships improved their organizational and functional aspects, namely the mechanisms of regularization and supervision, thus contributing considerably to the geological knowledge of Angola.
Still in relation to the projects in the Minas Gerais sector, the Ministry highlights the developed actions aimed at the implementation of the Digital Minas Gerais Register (CMA), the ongoing actions to install the Diamonds Scholarship of Angola, the inauguration of the Golden Refinery in Luanda scheduled for 2025 and the works for the construction of the development hub of ornamental rocks in the province of Namibe.