Ver Angola


Government will install paid toll posts at borders

The Council of Ministers approved this Thursday the plan for weighing heavy motor vehicles and the plan for installing toll stations at the borders, aiming at new sources of financing for the maintenance of the country's roads.


According to the authorities, the weighing plan for heavy motor vehicles will allow the control, registration and prevention of the circulation of said vehicles through the implementation of fixed and mobile weighing stations on the main stretches of the national road network.

The measure also aims to stop the growing degradation of road infrastructure, mainly caused by the excess load of heavy vehicles that circulate on them, says the statement, issued this Thursday, at the end of the meeting of the Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers.

The approval of the plan to install toll stations at the borders and on the structuring axes of national roads is justified by the need to find new sources of financing for conservation and maintenance actions of road infrastructure and to allow the counting of traffic within the national road network.

The Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, Carlos dos Santos, highlighted the importance of the approved plans, noting that Angola has a road network of 79,300 kilometers of road, 27,600 kilometers of which are national, and around 4000 units of bridges that call for large state investments.

"To maintain these roads, the Government has to have a very large financial equation and it doesn't always have it, and one of the main aspects is to approve the national weighing plan. This plan aims to stop the State from spending very high amounts, because as we know there is excess load on our roads", explained the governor at the end of the meeting.

In this Thursday's session, chaired by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, the Economic Commission also assessed the Agricultural Development Plan with a view to "promoting integrated rural development, through the creation of new communities, ensuring an increase in production and of productivity".

This Development Plan for Agrovilas, rural communities planned and designed to promote sustainable agriculture, also aims to generate income, create jobs, reduce poverty and reduce rural exodus, the statement states.

To journalists, the Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Isaac dos Anjos, explained that farm villages are human settlements that will be built in order to improve the quality of housing for peasant families to stimulate agriculture.

Agrovilas will have the distribution of houses within a "system of incorporating areas for work and agricultural production and animal production and will be built with the responsibility of local governments and with the monitoring of some ministerial departments", he said.

The execution report of the financing instrument for light agricultural mechanization for family farming for the third quarter of 2024 and the executive decree that updates and readjusts the rates of the Institute for Forestry Development and the National Seed Service were also considered in this session.


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