Ver Angola

Politics Official visit of Joe Biden

Joe Biden welcomed by members of the American community at the airport

This Monday, North American President Joe Biden greeted members of the community residing in Angola at 4 de Fevereiro International Airport, where he was received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António.

: Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters
Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters  

Air Force One, the plane carrying the North American head of state, landed, as scheduled, at around 5:30 pm in Luanda, and was waiting for him, in addition to the head of Angolan diplomacy, the governor of Luanda, Luís Nunes, among other individuals to welcome greetings.

Joe Biden was also awaited by members of the American community, whom he greeted for a few minutes, including military personnel and some children.

The North American President meets on Tuesday with his counterpart João Lourenço, at the Presidential Palace, and goes to the National Slavery Museum in the afternoon.

The following day, Joe Biden will go to Benguela where he will visit Porto do Lobito, Grupo Carrinho's industrial complex, and will participate in an international summit on the Lobito Corridor, a railway that crosses Angola connecting the Atlantic coast to the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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