Ver Angola


Industrial production grew 3.4 percent in the third quarter

Industrial production in the country grew 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year and recorded quarterly growth of 3.3 percent, announced the National Statistics Institute (INE).


The Industrial Production Index (IPI) for the third quarter of 2024 registered a variation of 3.4 percent in relation to the same quarter of 2023, influenced by increases in the Manufacturing Industries subsectors (2.7 percentage points), Production and Distribution of Electricity, Gas and Value (0.5 percentage points) and Extractive Industries (0.2 percentage points).

Industrial activity in Angola also saw an increase of 3.3 percent in this period compared to the previous quarter, influenced by Extractive Industries (3.0 percentage points) and Manufacturing Industries with 1.4 percentage points.

According to the document consulted this Friday by Lusa, the Personnel Index recorded in the months of July, August and September an increase of 3.1 percent in relation to the third quarter of 2023 and 3.1 percent when compared to the second quarter of 2024.

In relation to the Industrial Production index by type of goods, it was found that “Intermediate Goods” varied 25.2 percent in relation to the same quarter of the previous year and an increase of 19.0 percent in relation to the previous quarter.


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