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Angola and Brazil sign bilateral agreements to structure agricultural projects

The Ministries of Agriculture of Brazil and Angola signed this Friday two bilateral instruments to deepen the joint partnership aimed at identifying, preparing, structuring strategic agricultural projects and developing sustainable technologies.

: Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil
Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil  

Both instruments were signed this Friday, in Luanda, during the Brazil-Angola Agro Business Forum as part of the visit of the Brazilian Minister of State for Agriculture and Livestock to Angola, Carlos Fávaro.

The first agreement signed was a letter of intent between both ministerial departments for the promotion of trade and agricultural investment, which includes joint actions for the identification, preparation and structuring of strategic agricultural projects.

An exchange of notes was also signed to update the memorandum of understanding for cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Angola, signed in August 2023 during the visit of the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, to Angola.

According to Brazilian authorities, the updated memorandum aims to integrate the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and the Angolan Agricultural Research Institute and the Angolan Veterinary Research Institute in the aforementioned cooperation instrument.

"This act that we have just registered is the ratification of a cooperation agreement signed last August by President Lula [da Silva] and President João Lourenço and also includes Embrapa as an opportunity for formal technology transfer", said Carlos Fávaro.

According to the Brazilian Minister of State, who completed a two-day visit to Angola with high-level meetings, his presence in the country with a delegation of agribusiness entrepreneurs will consolidate the historic and brotherly relationship that unites the two peoples across the Atlantic Ocean.

Brazil, "thanks to its dedication and desire to learn, created Embrapa as the largest tropical agricultural research company in the world, which is now at Angola's disposal", he said.

Isaac Maria dos Anjos, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, praised the "unique" moment of signing these cooperation instruments and the importance of Embrapa for Angola, which "is experiencing a new era with new players in the sector and many people interested in developing large-scale agriculture".

"We have many highly professional Brazilians working in Angola. We want to modernize agriculture in Angola and we welcome this cooperation", declared the minister.


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