This measure, according to Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA), is part of the Government's proposal to review the corporate income tax code.
According to the head of the Finance portfolio, under the aforementioned proposal, "a reduction in property tax on property transfer" is envisaged, as part of the "policy of creating conditions to facilitate access to housing".
"We are envisaging, under this proposal, a reduction in property tax on property transfer, within the framework of the policy of creating conditions to facilitate access to housing", said Vera Daves.
"We are planning in this proposal to exempt transactions up to 40 million kwanzas from property tax on the transfer of properties, without paying property tax, and for transactions between 40 and 100 million kwanzas our proposal is that you start paying half of what you currently pay" , added the minister, quoted by RNA.
Still regarding the proposal – which will be submitted to public consultation –, the government official said that "it will allow the company to simplify the process of preparing and presenting declarative services".
"In this context, we also plan to make dialogue with our international counterparts easier, because when we are negotiating double taxation agreements most of our counterparts, not all, present corporate income tax as a single diploma and we present ballots, which makes negotiation difficult afterwards and the implementation of the agreement even more difficult", she added, quoted by RNA.