Ver Angola


Elsa Baldaia stars in Intimissimi's Christmas campaign

Elsa Baldaia returned to work with Intimissimi, this time to star in the Italian brand's Christmas campaign.


The Angolan model, according to a statement sent to VerAngola, can be seen "dazzling" on the brand's website, as well as in stores, via photographs and videos.

"Angolan model Elsa Baldaia was once again one of the faces chosen by the Italian brand Intimissimi to star in the latest Christmas campaign. Elsa can be seen stunning on the brand's website and in stores around the world through photographs and videos", reads the note.

Thus, the model "re-consolidates her relationship" with the aforementioned brand after having starred in several campaigns and fashion shows for Calzedonia Group brands.

It should be noted that Elsa Baldaia has worked with brands such as Valentino, Giorgio Armani, Elisabetta Franchi, among others.


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