Ver Angola


Government builds 14 bridges on National Road 240 to ensure product flow

A total of 14 bridges will be built on National Road 240, in the Quibala/Gabela section - Cuanza Sul province - to facilitate access to agricultural municipalities and guarantee the flow of products to the country's main commercial centers.


In accordance with Presidential Order No. 350/23 of December 22, the public works contract for the design and construction of 14 bridges worth 62 million dollars was authorized.

For inspection of the works, the estimated value is 1254 million kwanzas.

The Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing is delegated powers, with the ability to sub-delegate, to approve the parts of the procedure, as well as to verify the validity and legality of all acts carried out within the scope of the procedure, including the execution and the signing of contracts.

The Ministry of Finance is authorized to register projects in the Public Investment Program and ensure the financial resources necessary to execute the contracts, the Government said in a statement to which VerAngola had access.

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