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First master's course starts at UniLuanda

The University of Luanda (UniLuanda) started the first master's course, opening, this Monday, its first edition of the master's cycle in Educational and Social Intervention in Childhood for the current academic year (2022-2023).


The master's will be divided into four semesters, of which the first two will assume a curricular character while the last two will be destined to the accomplishment of a supervised professional internship and exhibition of a project towards the end of the course, writes Angop.

In addition, this course has 1800 hours (corresponding to 120 credits), operating on a face-to-face teaching basis and offering 30 places.

According to Angop, the classes will take place from Monday to Friday, between 2 pm and 6 pm, with the last day dedicated to work orientation.

On the occasion, Alfredo Buza, rector of the university, quoted by Angop, made it known that the master's degree will be given by national teachers as well as Portuguese professors who are already in the country, having considered this action as historic, mainly for the head of the management committee of the faculty of social service of the establishment, for opening the master's cycle.

In turn, Eugénio da Silva Neto, Secretary of State for Higher Education, highlighted the quality parameters that the course requires, as well as the fact that it is necessary to reach a result that is capable of making everyone proud for the reference that is wishes in the field of childhood education, he writes to Angop.

Regarding the registration conditions, those interested in attending the course, according to Angop, need to have a degree with an average of 14 values in Education and Childhood, Social Work, Social Education and Education Sciences in the choice of Primary Education .

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