Ver Angola


Documents expired in the state of emergency cease to be valid in 2021

As of this Friday, January 1, 2021, the documents that expired during the state of emergency, which had remained valid until then, will no longer be usable.


Due to covid-19 and with the implementation of the state of emergency in March this year, the Government had determined that the documents could continue to be used even after their expiration date.

It was through a moratorium that the Executive established that personal documents expired during the state of emergency were still valid until August 31 of this year. However, with the extension of the public calamity situation in September, the measure was evaluated and it was decided to keep the documents valid until the end of the year.

For this reason, as of Friday, all expired IDs, driving licenses, passports, refugee cards, visas, among other documents, are no longer accepted, writes Angop.

During the time the moratorium was in effect, anyone with expired documents could, by appointment, renew them. He could also choose to keep them expired once they were still accepted.

However, as of Friday, those who do not have the documents updated could be fined or prevented from dealing with bureaucratic issues where these documents are needed.

If the epidemiological situation of covid-19 in the country worsens or new variants of the disease reach the country, the Executive may again adopt the measure of validation of expired documents.


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