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Covid-19: Africa exceeds 60,000 dead

Africa has surpassed 60,000 deaths due to covid-19 this Wednesday and registers a total of 2,544,950 infected since the beginning of the pandemic, according to official data.


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the African Union (Africa CDC), the African continent now registers 60,254 deaths, an additional 508 in the last 24 hours, and in the same period there were another 19,618 infected in the 55 member states of the African Union.

The number recovered in the last 24 hours was 19,683 for a total of 2,145,138.

Southern Africa is, among the five African regions, the most affected, with 1,055,217 cases and 27,090 deaths. In this region, South Africa, the country most affected by covid-19 in the continent, counts this Wednesday a total of 940,212 infections and 25,246 deaths.

North Africa is the second most affected area by the pandemic, with 875,583 cases of infection and 22,799 deaths.

East Africa registers 312,438 infections and 5831 deaths, West Africa has 230,575 infections and 3087 deaths, while Central Africa registers 71,137 cases and 1447 deaths.

Egypt, which is the second African country with the most deaths, after South Africa, has 7167 deaths and 127,061 infected, followed by Morocco, which passed this Wednesday the 7,000 deaths (7030) and has 420,648 infected, a figure more than three times higher than Egypt.

Among the six countries most affected are also Tunisia, with 4237 deaths and 123,323 infected, Algeria, with 2687 deaths and 96,069 cases, Ethiopia, with 1864 deaths and 120,638 infections, and Kenya, with 1647 deaths and 94,768 infected.

In relation to Portuguese-speaking countries, Angola registers 393 deaths and 16,802 cases, followed by Mozambique (150 deaths and 17,767 cases), Cape Verde (112 deaths and 11,636 cases), Equatorial Guinea (85 deaths and 5,231 cases), Guinea-Bissau (45 deaths and 2446 cases) and São Tomé and Príncipe (17 deaths and 1009 cases).

The first case of covid-19 in Africa emerged in Egypt on February 14, and Nigeria was the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to register cases of infection on February 28.

The covid-19 pandemic has caused at least 1,703,500 deaths from more than 77.2 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a review by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

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