Ver Angola


PR travels 45 kilometers by train to test access to the new airport

The President of the Republic traveled by train, this Tuesday, the 45 kilometers that connect the Bungo railway station, in Luanda, to the new Dr. António Agostinho Neto (AIAAN), in Icolo and Bengo. This field trip helped João Lourenço evaluate access to the new airport.


According to a statement from the Presidency, to which VerAngola had access, this visit aimed to "verify the progress of the segregation works on the railway line, which passes through densely populated areas with negative implications for the circulation of trains".

On the occasion, João Lourenço made an assessment of what has already been done and what still needs to be done.

"The Head of State, installed in the cabin of the locomotive of the railway train, assessed what has already been done by the companies in charge of the project and what still remains to be done to establish security and order along the railway corridor", reads the communicated.

In addition to the railway connection, the President of the Republic also "saw up close the works on the road that borders the new airport, connecting Zango 8000 to Estrada de Catete, at Km 44".

Construction of this highway began in July, and should be ready next year.

"The road under construction aims to contribute to more fluid traffic for populations residing in the south pole of the capital (Benfica, Talatona and Zangos) on their future trips to the new airport and vice versa, without having to do so via Via Expresso Fidel Castro", the statement also says.

It is worth remembering that this is the second time that João Lourenço travels on this railway. The first time happened in June, when the President covered the more than 40 kilometers that make up the rail route between Bungo and the new airport, with the aim of finding out the accessibility to that airport.

At the time, the head of state's trip to get to know this access up close "revealed a set of challenges" that would need to be overcome for passenger transport to occur safely and comfortably.

It is worth noting that the rail connection to the new airport is scheduled to begin on November 7th, while from November 10th the new airport is expected to begin receiving passenger flights.



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