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Ministry of Education recognizes Luanda's oldest teacher who is an example of resilience and determination

Domingos Cutumua is 74 years old and is the oldest teacher in Luanda. This example of resilience and determination was recognized by the Ministry of Education in the central event of National Educator's Day, celebrated on November 22nd.

: Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda
Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda  

According to a statement from the government of the province of Luanda (GPL), to which VerAngola had access, his journey did not begin in Luanda. It was in 1977, at the age of 27, that he entered the world of education to teach in Huambo and ended up being transferred to Luanda in 2000.

"Joined at the Ministry of Education at the age of 27, on March 15, 1977, in the province of Huambo, and transferred in 2000 to Luanda, today, at the age of 74, Domingos Cutumua is the oldest teacher in the province of Luanda, as as was recognized by the Ministry of Education during the central event of National Educator's Day, at the Mutu ya Kevela Primary School, on November 22", says the note.

At the time, the elementary school teacher was moved by this gesture of guardianship, stating "he felt honored by the gesture that profoundly marked his career".

Domingos Cutumua, who is married, has six children, six grandchildren and one great-grandson, also left advice for the new generation of teachers, in order to maintain "focus on work, with commitment, dedication, courage and determination".

"Resident of Comuna da Funda, municipality of Cacuaco, Domingos Cutumua is a finalist in the 4th year of the Languages ​​and Literatures in African Languages ​​course, at the Faculty of Humanities of the Agostinho Neto University", the GPL note also says.

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