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First PhD in mathematics in PALOP starts this year with 16 candidates

The regional program for the first doctorate in Mathematics, aimed mainly at Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), will have 16 candidates and will start this year, it was announced.


According to the University of Cape Verde (Uni-CV), which created the program in partnership with the Agostinho Neto University (Angola) and the University of Coimbra (Portugal), 16 candidates were selected, seven from Cape Verde, seven from Angola and two from Mozambique.

The first PhD in Mathematics in the PALOP is an initiative that was born out of the "urgency" to train "highly qualified" young professionals in the area in Portuguese-speaking African countries, according to the Cape Verdean public university.

Guiding research programs, promoting the consolidation of the African scientific base and combating brain drain in Africa are other objectives of the study cycle, the academic part of which starts this year and will take place at Uni-CV.

The doctorate is financed by the Gulbenkian Foundation, with annual fees of 1000 euros, and also has partnerships with other African and European university institutions.

The doctorate was officially presented on February 23rd at Uni-CV, the day on which the Mathematics Laboratory at the public university of Cape Verde was also inaugurated.

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