Ver Angola


Basic food basket prices rise. Sugar and wheat flour among goods with the highest increase

Wheat flour and sugar are among the goods that have seen a significant increase in price in recent weeks. Overall, from the second to the third week of November, the prices of basic goods rose by around 1.86 percent.


In the period in question, according to Jornal de Angola, in commercial spaces, the prices of basic goods increased by around 2.24 percent.

Among the products that saw their prices rise significantly were tomatoes (22.76 percent), white sugar (10.59 percent) and wheat flour (3.95 percent).

In turn, according to Jornal de Angola, beef (3.30 percent), bombó cornmeal (1.16 percent) and spaghetti pasta (1.14 percent) suffered a price decrease.

If you look at informal markets, in the period in question, the value of goods in the basic basket rose 1.43 percent.

According to Jornal de Angola, white sugar (8.13 percent), spaghetti pasta (8.01 percent) and palm oil (6.54 percent) recorded the biggest increase, while horse mackerel (0.30 percent ) and chicken thighs (0.24 percent) suffered a decrease.


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