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Management and operation of Angosat-2 will have around 1000 technicians until next year

The management and operation of the national satellite will have around 1000 technicians until next year. As explained by the national coordinator for space education, Gilberto Gomes, it is expected that with a training action that started recently, around 1000 technicians will be trained in this area.


"In 2023 we managed to reach at least 1000 technicians trained in this area. This is because, because today we are starting to train trainers, we have students and professors from the faculty of engineering, the faculty of sciences Agostinho Neto and the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies," said Gilberto Gomes, speaking to Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

According to RNA, the training, which will last five days, is attended by 18 teachers and students from the provinces of Huambo, Benguela and Uíge who are linked to universities of engineering, science and the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies.

In this course, topics related to Angosat-2 will be addressed. According to Sara Queirós, one of the trainers of this course, there will be talk about the orbits and situation of the national satellite.

"We are talking about orbits, we are talking about the situation of our satellite, what orbit it is in and for what purpose it was designed, if it is a communication satellite, if it is on the fence, in this case Angosat-2 is a communication satellite ", he said, quoted by RNA.

In turn, Martins Chimbinda, a technician from Huambo, stressed that the fact that they were chosen and that they are in the training action "implies" giving the "maximum" to be able to contribute and "make the most of" this equipment.

"The fact that we are selected and are here for this training also means that we do our best to be able to contribute and be able to make the most of this equipment, this device, which, after all, Angola is a privileged country because not everyone has it", he said, also cited by RNA.


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