Ver Angola


Angola tops the list of countries with the most Equivalenza stores in Africa

Angola is the country with the most Equivalenza stores on the African continent. The brand, which has been asserting its presence in Africa, already has a total of 53 stores, of which 44 are located in Angola.


Last week, Angola was once again the stage for Equivalenza's bet on the continent: a new store was inaugurated at Luanda's Domestic Airport.

According to a statement sent to VerAngola, this year, the brand had already opened three other stores in the country: "The new store was inaugurated on November 16, at Luanda's Domestic Airport, following three other openings that took place in January and October 2021: Benfica Via Expressa, Luanda International Airport and Angormart Zango III".

"The success of the expansion in the Angolan market is essentially due to the growing demand for beauty and cosmetic consumer goods in this country and to the high quality at smart prices that make the Angolan community loyal to the Spanish brand", the statement said.

Thus, Angola leads the market with a total of 44 stores, followed by Cape Verde (seven), Mozambique (one) and Morocco (one).

However, the expansion of the Spanish brand in Africa does not stop there. Next year, Equivalenza aims to "open more than 10 stores, distributed throughout Angola and Cape Verde".

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