Ver Angola


Domestic violence killed 19 women between March and November

Angola recorded 19 homicides of women victims of domestic violence, between March and November 2020, two more cases compared to the same period, announced the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC).


The information was transmitted by the head of the Forensic Sexology department of the national director of SIC, Loidy Gisela Vaz de Almeida, stating that, in the period of the covid-19 pandemic, the country registered a “considerable increase” in crimes perpetrated violently.

According to the official, Angola recorded, in the third quarter of this year, 2322 crimes of domestic violence committed by known persons, 353 cases of sexual rape committed by known persons and 419 by unknown persons.

Loidy Gisela Vaz de Almeida, a forensic psychologist, was speaking in Luanda, at the official opening of the 16-day campaign of activism to end violence against women.

Addressing the relationship between domestic violence and covid-19 in Angola, the senior SIC official presented results of case studies carried out this month, especially in Luanda, concluding that a high number of cases of domestic violence are not known to the organs police.

Among the studies carried out, the official said that, last Saturday, the criminal investigation body heard 50 sex workers in Luanda, and most of them have already been victims of violence at work.

"Of that number, 22 women said they had already been victims of violence at work, 15 said they didn't and 13 said it many times," she described.

“When asked if they participated in the police station, they said no, because when they go to the police stations they are discriminated against (…), in the end, these are cases that do not reach the police, which we consider to be black figures”, he observed.

At the opening of the ceremony, the Secretary of State for Family and Women Promotion, Elsa Barber, said that Angola registered 3303 cases of domestic violence between January and October 2020.

This Wednesday marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. Angola celebrated the date under the motto “Violence Zero, Denounce”.


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