Ver Angola


Angolans shine in Portuguese surfing championship

Three Angolan surfers were invited by the National Surfers Association of Portugal to participate in a surfing championship in Portugal. It concerns Júlio Baleia, Baita Júnior and Edilson Beto who, according to the Ministry of Tourism, shone in the aforementioned competition.

: Facebook Ministério do Turismo Angola
Facebook Ministério do Turismo Angola  

"At the invitation of the National Surfers Association of Portugal, Júlio Baleia, Baita Júnior and Edilson Beto, three young Angolan surfers, born and raised in Cabo Ledo, participated in the MEO Surf League, which took place from October 25th to 27th in Peniche, Portugal", reads a statement from the Ministry of Tourism, to which VerAngola had access.

Young people had the opportunity to visit and surf on several Portuguese beaches, especially Nazaré, which is known for its giant waves.

"Received with enthusiasm by the Portuguese surfing community, Angolan champion Baleia, aged 15, Baita, runner-up and Beto, both aged 17, discovered and surfed waves on the iconic beaches of Costa de Caparica, Linha de Cascais, Ericeira, Peniche and Nazaré, where they could see the famous Nazaré Canyon, which generates giant waves", says the note.

In addition, they also met with surfers, former athletes and stakeholders "from the world of surfboards, sponsors and entrepreneurs", one of the highlights being when they met Nuno Jonet, "considered the first surfer in Cabo Ledo, in 1973" .

"The athlete Júlio Baleia was the winner of a heat, bringing back home the enthusiasm of the competition and pride in representing Angola", points out the statement, which adds that this trip of the three young people to Portuguese lands to participate in the "last stage of the League MEO Surf is proof of the national talent in this area, highlighting sun and sea tourism and adventure tourism in Angola".

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