Ver Angola


Austrians will invest 10 million euros in agriculture and timber exploitation in Cuvango

The Austrian group Kirchmayer Investimentos has 10 million euros available to invest in the municipality of Cuvango, province of Huíla. The investment will be allocated to projects aimed at agriculture and timber exploration.

: Amkwa (via: Facebook Administração Municipal Do Cuvango)
Amkwa (via: Facebook Administração Municipal Do Cuvango)  

The investment is expected to take place from next year, according to a statement from the Municipal Administration of Cuvango, to which VerAngola had access. "A total of ten million euros is the amount available by the Kirchmayer Investimentos group from Austria, aiming to invest, from 2024, in the field of agriculture and wood exploration, in the municipality of Cuvango, province of Huíla", reads the note.

At the time, businessman Kirchmayer Thomas did not reveal the "exact date to invest", but informed that after its launch, 580 direct jobs are expected to be guaranteed, "a healthy measure to boost the economy in the region".

The official also made it known that the industrial wood development project requires 500 thousand cubic meters "of sustainable supply of round wood per year", while for mechanized agriculture "it is expected to cover 5000 hectares for the large-scale production of corn, soy, vegetables and citrus fruits", adds the statement.

Therefore, he said there was a need to "acquire existing forests or larger plantations and also have the possibility of investing in new plantations for the sustainable supply of round wood over the coming decades."

In turn, the municipal administrator of Cuvango, Luís Marcelo Cambinda Ndala, "valued the interest of investing in the municipality", which is "open to any private investment, whether national or foreign with the aim of promoting more jobs for youth ", says the statement.

According to the municipal administrator of Chicomba, Dina Berner, cited in a brief note from the Provincial Government of Huíla, to which VerAngola had access, it is "in an already identified area of six hectares" that Austrian entrepreneurs will produce soybeans, corn and vegetables "providing more than 100 jobs in the first phase".


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