Ver Angola


New Ramiros-Barra do Cuanza route will open soon to facilitate mobility in Luanda

Two public transport operators, namely TCUL and Ango Real, will open a new route that will connect Ramiros to Barra do Cuanza, in a measure that aims to facilitate mobility in the capital.

: Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda
Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda  

There is currently no specific date for the opening of the new route, but according to a statement from the government of the province of Luanda (GPL) to which VerAngola had access, it should happen soon.

The Ramiros-Barra do Cuanza route will include six stops, namely Cefopesca, Destak, Kabarril, Miradouro da Lua, Vila and Barra do Cuanza.

"Cefopesca, Destak, Kabarril, Miradouro da Lua, Vila and Barra do Cuanza are part of the new stops on the Ramiros-Barra do Cuanza route to be opened soon by the operators TCUL and Ango Real, in order to facilitate mobility, especially for students, on the route from Benfica to Barra do Cuanza", reads the GPL statement.

The GPL also reports that a multi-sector team led by the director of the Provincial Office of Transport, Traffic and Urban Mobility, Sérgio de Assunção José Sachicuata, assessed the route.

The team, the note adds, "also defined the space for the construction of the integrated transport service that will be operated by the local residents themselves".


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