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UN envoy assessed the peace and security situation in the Great Lakes in Luanda

The special envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region, Huang Xia, discussed the peace and security situation in Africa, particularly in the DRCongo, this Wednesday in Luanda with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.


According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Huang Xia arrived in Luanda on Tuesday night, as part of a tour of some countries in the region.

The UN diplomat's tour aims to listen to the various political actors as part of the preparation of the report that he will present at the United Nations Security Council, scheduled for October 8th.

With the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António, António Guterres' special envoy addressed the current situation of peace, security and the dynamics of conflicts in Africa, with particular emphasis on the tripartite ministerial meetings on peace and security in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( RDCongo), under the mediation of Angola.

For the UN special envoy, mentioned in the statement, Angola, as president of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, has the duty to complement, ensure and inform on the evolution of peace, security and the dynamics of conflicts on the continent.

The meeting between the Angolan government official and Huang Xia also served as a way for the parties to focus on preparing for another meeting of the signatory countries of the Framework Agreement for Peace, Security and Cooperation in DRCongo and the region.


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