Ver Angola


New national minimum wage comes into force

The new national minimum wage values ​​come into effect this Monday, 60 days after the new table was published in the Official Gazette. Thus, the minimum wage value is increased to 70 thousand kwanzas against the current 32 thousand kwanzas, except for micro-enterprises and startups, which have the possibility of paying a minimum of 50 thousand kwanzas.

: Expansão

According to António Estote, national director of Labour – in statements to TV Girassol, quoted by Jornal de Angola –, the implementation of this measure is mandatory for all employers, and he called for this action to be seen as an essential update and explained the exceptions once again.

It should be noted that, in July, the Government approved the new national minimum wage scale. At the time, it was reported that this new scale would come into force in September.

With this update, the national minimum wage will rise from the current 32 thousand kwanzas to 70 thousand kwanzas. One year after this new scale comes into force, the value of the national minimum wage is expected to undergo a new update, setting it at 100 thousand kwanzas.

It should be noted that this measure in no way prevents companies and workers' representatives from setting minimum wages above what is established. While companies that do not have the duly proven capacity to pay the established national minimum wage can ask the government for authorization to pay, temporarily, below that amount, with a limit of two years.


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