The unemployment rate is higher for women (34.2 percent) compared to men (30.2 percent), according to the report available on the INE website, which details that "the unemployed population was estimated at 5,764,313 people, of which 2,617,381 are men and 3,146,932 are women".
In the Employment Survey in Angola, the institute also states that the economically active population, that is, those over 15 years of age and working or available for a job, in the second quarter of this year was 17.8 million people, with an activity rate of 91 percent, which shows an increase of 2.6 percent compared to the previous quarter.
The employed population aged 15 or over was estimated at 12,108,854 people, of which 6,047,617 are men and 6,061,237 are women.
The employment rate, estimated at 61.6 percent, “is higher in rural areas than in urban areas,” says the INE, pointing out that “the employment rate for men (63.9 percent) is higher than that for women (59.5 percent)” and that the unemployment rate for young people was 37.8 percent.
The survey also reveals that 44.8 percent of people who declared themselves to be employed worked in the areas of “agriculture, animal production, hunting, forestry and fishing, followed by wholesale and retail trade, with 22.4 percent.”