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Angolan Students Movement will make spontaneous protests about students out of education

president of the Movement of Angolan Students (MEA) regretted this Monday that the organization was prevented from holding a demonstration on Saturday and promised to continue making spontaneous protests against the lack of vacancies in national education.

: Facebook 'Movimento de Estudantes Angolanos'
Facebook 'Movimento de Estudantes Angolanos'  

Francisco Teixeira said that the MEA informed the government of the province of Luanda that it intended to hold, last Saturday, a demonstration “due to the constant irregularities in the registration process in public educational institutions”, which was prevented by the police.

According to the president of the MEA, the demonstration aimed to reach the Ministry of Finance, passing through the Ministry of Education.

“We are going to write again, to continue demonstrating”, said Francisco Teixeira in statements to Agência Lusa, highlighting that the theme of the next protests has to do with “the excessive number of children out of education and the lack of solutions on the part of from the government".

The leader of the student association stressed that “the Government needs to present solutions for these children”.

“What we do not want is for the minister to remain silent about this situation, there are nine million children and we are sad, we do not accept the matter remaining like this, we want to know what path the State will find for them” , he said.

The president of the MEA said that they have some suggestions, namely the use of churches or that the State issues certificates to children who use explanations available in the communities.

“But they are not responding to our proposals, so we have to put pressure on them. They may not accept our proposals, but find other solutions to the problem”, he appealed.

In the letter sent to the provincial government of Luanda, the MEA emphasizes that the 2023/2024 academic year, which has now started, observed “a lack of vacancies, transparency in the selection of candidates, nepotism and sale of vacancies”.

According to the MEA letter, there is a “lack of conditions in the classrooms, public health violations in the ‘WC’ and a lack of school meals in the classes required by law”.

“The constant initiative to change the increase in tuition fees demonstrates a clear intention on the part of the State to make access to education difficult for the peaceful citizen, which, on the one hand, the State schools, which with each passing year reduce vacancies, and , on the other hand, the private schools that with each passing year, the Government always authorizes the increase in tuition fees, leaving the citizen with no other option than to abandon the dream of being trained, thus demonstrating the insensitivity of those who govern us” , referred to in the document.


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