Ver Angola


GMC: Angola wins third place in the largest management strategy competition in the world

The country came in third place in the largest management strategy competition in the world, called the Global Management Challenge (GMC), whose international final took place for the first time in Angola, between 26 and 27 September.


Regarding the winner, the 'gold' was awarded to China. According to a statement from the Government of the Province of Luanda, to which VerAngola had access, second place was won by Russia.

"The results were published during the Global Management Challenge awards gala, at the Hotel Epic Sana, in which Russia was the second best classified, while China was the big winner of this event, whose international final took place for the first time in Angola , from the 26th to the 27th of the current month", informs the provincial government.

Along with Angola, also participated in the international final "Portugal, Brazil, Spain, China, Russia, India and Cameroon, in person, as well as Australia, Macau, Estonia, Ecuador, Peru, Uzbekistan, Benin, Togo, Georgia and Panama, virtually".

At the gala, according to the provincial government, the vice-governor for the Economic Sector, Gilson dos Santos Antunes Carmelino, representing the provincial governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem, and the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Nuno dos Anjos, were present. Caldas Albino.

In the final, the country was represented by a team made up of three young people, namely Elísio Pataca, Délcio de Almeida and Pedro Lunguiki.

The trophy was presented to the winning team by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, who, on the occasion, said that this achievement highlights the quality of education in the country. Quoted by Angop, he also considered that the participation of Angolans in this competition should serve as an inspiring example for other students, aiming to seek the sublimity of knowledge.

It should be noted that the country has participated in the GMC since 2007.


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