Among the proposals, according to Angop, are also the villages of Nkondo and Avé Maria, which are located on the access road to the border commune of Luvo.
However, the company's suggestions did not satisfy civil society, which proposed that the future housing project be built in the village of Siesie. Among the justifications for the differences regarding location, the participants pointed out the distance of the sites suggested by the company, from the center of the city of Mbanza Kongo, associated with the problem of mobility, as there is a lack of public transport network in the region, writes Angop.
In turn, the implementation of centrality in Sangui was defended by Ângela Diogo, deputy governor for the technical sector and infrastructures. Cited by Angop, she clarified that the area proposed by the authorities is located close to the future Mbanza Kongo international airport, with the hope of expanding the city and establishing other development projects.
Regarding the proposal put forward by civil society, she explained that some areas surrounding the city of Mbanza Kongo, suggested by the participants, concern rugged and technically unfeasible areas, with a risk of ravines appearing in the future, also highlighting that the implementation of a project like this genus in hilly areas is expected to cause high costs, as it will require additional treatment to regulate the soil.
Thus, she said it was necessary to "start from a technical and sustainability point of view" to decide the final location of the centrality. "We have to start from a technical and sustainability point of view, to definitively choose the area where the future centrality of Mbanza Kongo will be built", she stated, quoted by Angop.
Ângela Diogo also mentioned that the project foresees the construction of 1500 apartments, as well as social equipment: "The intention is to build 1500 apartments and social equipment, in a single space, which will require an area above 60 hectares, which will include future areas intended for the directed self-construction program".
It should be noted that in Zaire, two centers of 1500 apartments will be built in Mbanza Kongo and the same number in Soyo, within the framework of the Housing Development Program (PFA), writes Angop.