Ver Angola


Daniel Dongo: only Angolan at IMAGE23 praised for showing national energy experience in the USA

Daniel Dongo, already known for having received a distinction as the best student in the master's course in Oil and Gas Management in the United Kingdom, was now invited to be present, on behalf of the Instituto Superior Técnico of Universidade de Lisboa - where he currently studies, at the International Meeting of Applied Geosciences and Energy (IMAGE'23), which took place in Houston, USA.


After his presentation, the scholarship holder from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas was even praised by a prestigious North American consultant. “You presented the most realistic case for an economic assessment and the best economic analysis of any presentation today,” said Richard Sears, an expert in energy, supply sources and energy systems and also a professor at Stanford University.

In Houston, Texas, Daniel was the only Angolan to present and defend a paper. “Our overall mission was to find the best investment opportunity in oil and/or natural gas exploration and production, make business recommendations to management on how best to create value and develop plans to mitigate the impact of hydrocarbons in the Vermilion block in Gulf of Mexico”, revealed the young man.

The Angolan was also in the spotlight following an invitation addressed by the general director of programs at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Annabella Betancourt, to speak about the energy transition in front of Geoscience students.

Speaking to VerAngola, Daniel Dongo says he "took advantage" of the opportunity to talk about the case of Angola and the advances in the national oil industry.

Representing the University of Lisbon, Daniel was selected to join the 'Poland-Portugal' team that participated in the event held by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG).

Currently, the student is working on his doctoral thesis, whose main theme will be issues in the Angolan energy sector.



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