Ver Angola


Price rises accelerated in August and put annual inflation at 13.54 percent

Subida dos preços acelerou em Agosto e colocou inflação homóloga nos 13,54 por cento


The National Statistics Institute, in official data consulted by Lusa, highlights the increase in the year-on-year variation which stood at 13.54 percent, almost at the maximum limit of the target for 2023, already revised upwards by the National Bank of Angola, which pointed to a range between 12 and 14 percent.

In monthly terms, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) registered a variation of 2.04 percent.

The data shows that of the twelve consumption classes analyzed, all registered increases, including ten with rates above unity.

The "Education" class was the one that registered the biggest price increase, with a variation of 6.19 percent, with emphasis also on the rise in prices for the "Health" classes with 2.37 percent, "Food and beverages not alcoholic beverages" with 2.19 percent and "Miscellaneous goods and services" with 2.12 percent.

The provinces that recorded the greatest variation in prices were: Luanda with 2.82 percent, Lunda-Sul with 2.06 percent and Namibe with 1.67 percent.


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