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AHRA wants to create 500,000 direct jobs and contribute four percent to GDP over the next five years

The contribution of four percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as the creation of 500,000 direct jobs and one million indirect jobs are among the goals of the Angolan Hotels and Resorts Association (AHRA) for the coming years.


The information was provided by Ramiro Barreira, president of the AHRA, who revealed that the association's plans for the next five years are to contribute four percent to GDP, as opposed to the current 0.5 percent.

The organisation's ambitions also include the creation of 500,000 direct jobs and one million indirect jobs, enabling the achievement of revenue in the order of six billion dollars, reflecting a higher percentage of GDP, said the official, quoted by Angop.

Ramiro Barreira admitted that in order to achieve these goals it is necessary to have a good business environment as well as to devise measures so that the hotel units have customers and thus reach the desired goals.

Cited by Angop, the president of AHRA also underlined that the hotel units are committed to the sector, with a view to ensuring that this domain reaches where it is intended.

Marcelina Ribeiro, representing the Angolan Tourism Agencies, said that a website will be designed which will include the main services of the associates as well as the country's potential.

Cited by Angop, she also appealed to the associates, so that they design tourism projects within the country, promoting new domestic destinations, among others.

In turn, Filipe Zau, Minister of Culture and Tourism, highlighted a closer approach to agents in this sector to analyze the quality of services, the aptitude of professionals and come up with ideas for the future.

Speaking at the closing of the gala referring to the World Tourism Day, the official, also quoted by Angop, also noted that this measure will help to stimulate the sector, considered fundamental to diversify the national economy, and it is necessary to establish in the future strategic links between tourism and culture.

The World Tourism Day was celebrated this Tuesday, the 27th of September.

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