Ver Angola


UNITA questions delays in salaries of public employees

The UNITA parliamentary group questioned, this Thursday, the delay in the payment of July salaries to public employees, considering that the situation is “unacceptable” and brings “serious consequences” for families.

: Lusa

In a statement released this Thursday, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) expressed concern about the delays, "without clarification or justification" and called on the government to resolve the problem "quickly".

"The UNITA parliamentary group considers it unacceptable that such a situation continues and, once again, without any communication from the government about the reasons for such delay, causing serious economic, social and psychological consequences for the lives of civil employees and their families, deprived of their already insufficient income", the document highlights.

UNITA, which expressed solidarity with civil servants affected by the salary delay, also called on the government to manage public finances with greater rigor and organization to avoid such situations.

The Ministry of Finance has not commented on what happened so far.


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