Ver Angola


Chinese group wants to set up pharmaceutical and hospital park in Luanda

A Chinese group has Angola in its sights and plans to set up a pharmaceutical and hospital park in Luanda. The group is called Baobabtrees and, with this investment, it hopes to create around 2000 jobs.

: Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda
Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda  

According to a statement from the government of the province of Luanda (GPL), to which VerAngola had access, this intention was expressed this Tuesday by Miumiu Miao, CEO of the group, during a meeting with the governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem.

The group expects to generate around 2000 jobs with this investment, of which 1500 will be direct and 500 indirect.

"With this investment, Baobabtrees expects to create more than 1500 direct jobs and 500 indirect jobs", the statement reads.

It should be noted that the Chinese group has been operating in Asia for over 20 years.

In addition to the meeting with Baobabtrees officials, the governor of the province of Luanda also held meetings this Tuesday with the president of the Installation Committee of the Liberal Party Political Project, Euclides Luís de Castro, and with deputy Crispiniano dos Santos.

During the meeting between Manuel Homem and Euclides Luís de Castro, issues related to the "regularization of processes of the Liberal Party's political project and the presentation of the book 'Cidadania na Palma da Mão'" were discussed, reports GPL.

During the courtesy meeting between the governor of Luanda and the deputy to the National Assembly and first national secretary of the JMPLA, Crispiniano dos Santos, matters related to "the challenges of young people" were discussed.

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