Ver Angola


Huambo has already received more than three thousand tons of fertilizers for the next agricultural campaign

The province of Huambo has already received, in the first phase, 3500 tons of fertilizers as part of the preparation for the 2024/2025 agricultural campaign.

: Governo Provincial do Huambo
Governo Provincial do Huambo  

According to the provincial governor, Pereira Alfredo, who provided the information at the end of his field trip to the municipality of Caala, the plan for distributing the aforementioned fertilizers to the municipalities has already been approved, and studies are currently underway to define prices and solutions in order to facilitate greater and better production by farmers.

In a statement to which VerAngola had access, the official stated that Huambo will receive a total of 8,000 tons of various fertilizers for the next campaign, as part of the cooperation work being carried out with the Ministry of Agriculture, so that there are more agricultural inputs, thus stimulating the development of family farming and the expansion of cultivated areas.

“Preparations for the next agricultural campaign are already underway, since the local government’s idea is for the province to continue to assume its status as one of Angola’s great breadbaskets, and this can only be achieved if we have other complementary conditions, since the soils need correction and other elements for production to find fertility,” the government official assured.

Pereira Alfredo did not fail to mention the importance of the communities’ willingness to work the land, in order to improve their conditions and income for their families’ livelihood, as well as the need for interventions on access roads to production areas, to facilitate the flow of agricultural products to large shopping centres.


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